1 module bisect;
3 import core.thread;
5 import std.algorithm;
6 import std.exception;
7 import std.file;
8 import std.getopt : getopt;
9 import std.path;
10 import std.process;
11 import std.range;
12 import std.string;
14 import ae.sys.file;
15 import ae.sys.git;
16 import ae.utils.math;
17 import ae.utils.sini;
19 import common;
20 import config;
21 import custom;
22 import repo;
24 enum EXIT_UNTESTABLE = 125;
26 string bisectConfigFile;
27 struct BisectConfig
28 {
29 	string bad, good;
30 	bool reverse;
31 	string tester;
32 	bool bisectBuild;
33 	bool bisectBuildTest;
34 	string extraSpec;
36 	DiggerManager.Config.Build* build;
37 	DiggerManager.Config.Local* local;
39 	string[string] environment;
40 }
41 BisectConfig bisectConfig;
43 /// Final build directory for bisect tests.
44 alias currentDir = subDir!"current";
46 int doBisect(bool noVerify, string bisectConfigFile, string[] bisectConfigLines)
47 {
48 	bisectConfig.build = &d.config.build;
49 	bisectConfig.local = &d.config.local;
50 	if (bisectConfigFile)
51 	{
52 		log("Loading bisect configuration from " ~ bisectConfigFile);
53 		bisectConfigFile
54 			.readText()
55 			.splitLines()
56 			.parseIniInto(bisectConfig);
57 	}
58 	else
59 		log("No bisect.ini file specified! Using options from command-line only.");
60 	bisectConfigLines.parseIniInto(bisectConfig);
62 	void ensureDefault(ref string var, string which, string def)
63 	{
64 		if (!var)
65 		{
66 			log("No %s revision specified, assuming '%s'".format(which, def));
67 			var = def;
68 		}
69 	}
70 	ensureDefault(bisectConfig.bad , "bad" , "master");
71 	ensureDefault(bisectConfig.good, "good", "@ 1 month ago");
73 	if (bisectConfig.bisectBuildTest)
74 	{
75 		bisectConfig.bisectBuild = true;
76 		d.config.local.cache = "none";
77 	}
78 	if (bisectConfig.bisectBuild)
79 		enforce(!bisectConfig.tester, "bisectBuild and specifying a test command are mutually exclusive");
80 	enforce(bisectConfig.tester || bisectConfig.bisectBuild, "No tester specified (and bisectBuild is false)");
82 	auto repo = &d.getMetaRepo().git();
84 	d.needUpdate();
86 	void test(bool good, string rev)
87 	{
88 		auto name = good ? "GOOD" : "BAD";
89 		log("Sanity-check, testing %s revision %s...".format(name, rev));
90 		auto result = doBisectStep(rev);
91 		enforce(result != EXIT_UNTESTABLE,
92 			"%s revision %s is not testable"
93 			.format(name, rev));
94 		enforce(!result == good,
95 			"%s revision %s is not correct (exit status is %d)"
96 			.format(name, rev, result));
97 	}
99 	if (!noVerify)
100 	{
101 		auto good = getRev!true();
102 		auto bad = getRev!false();
104 		enforce(good != bad, "Good and bad revisions are both " ~ bad);
106 		auto commonAncestor = repo.query("merge-base", good, bad);
107 		if (bisectConfig.reverse)
108 		{
109 			enforce(good != commonAncestor, "Bad commit is newer than good commit (and reverse search is enabled)");
110 			test(false, bad);
111 			test(true, good);
112 		}
113 		else
114 		{
115 			enforce(bad  != commonAncestor, "Good commit is newer than bad commit");
116 			test(true, good);
117 			test(false, bad);
118 		}
119 	}
121 	auto p0 = getRev!true();  // good
122 	auto p1 = getRev!false(); // bad
123 	if (bisectConfig.reverse)
124 		swap(p0, p1);
126 	bool[string] cacheState, untestable;
127 	if (!bisectConfig.extraSpec)
128 		cacheState = d.getCacheState([p0, p1]);
130 	bisectLoop:
131 	while (true)
132 	{
133 		log("Finding shortest path between %s and %s...".format(p0, p1));
134 		auto fullPath = repo.pathBetween(p0, p1); // closed interval
135 		enforce(fullPath.length >= 2 && fullPath[0].commit == p0 && fullPath[$-1].commit == p1,
136 			"Bad path calculation result");
137 		auto path = fullPath[1..$-1].map!(step => step.commit).array; // open interval
138 		log("%d commits (about %d tests) remaining.".format(path.length, ilog2(path.length+1)));
140 		if (!path.length)
141 		{
142 			assert(fullPath.length == 2);
143 			auto p = fullPath[1].downwards ? p0 : p1;
144 			log("%s is the first %s commit".format(p, bisectConfig.reverse ? "good" : "bad"));
145 			repo.run("--no-pager", "show", p);
146 			log("Bisection completed successfully.");
147 			return 0;
148 		}
150 		log("(%d total, %d cached, %d untestable)".format(
151 			path.length,
152 			path.filter!(commit => cacheState.get(commit, false)).walkLength,
153 			path.filter!(commit => commit in untestable).walkLength,
154 		));
156 		// First try all cached commits in the range (middle-most first).
157 		// Afterwards, do a binary-log search across the commit range for a testable commit.
158 		auto order = chain(
159 			path.radial     .filter!(commit =>  cacheState.get(commit, false)),
160 			path.binaryOrder.filter!(commit => !cacheState.get(commit, false))
161 		).filter!(commit => commit !in untestable).array;
163 		foreach (i, p; order)
164 		{
165 			auto result = doBisectStep(p);
166 			if (result == EXIT_UNTESTABLE)
167 			{
168 				log("Commit %s (%d/%d) is untestable.".format(p, i+1, order.length));
169 				untestable[p] = true;
170 				continue;
171 			}
173 			if (bisectConfig.reverse)
174 				result = result ? 0 : 1;
176 			if (result == 0) // good
177 				p0 = p;
178 			else
179 				p1 = p;
181 			continue bisectLoop;
182 		}
184 		log("There are only untestable commits left to bisect.");
185 		log("The first %s commit could be any of:".format(bisectConfig.reverse ? "good" : "bad"));
186 		foreach (p; path ~ [p1])
187 			repo.run("log", "-1", "--pretty=format:%h %ci: %s", p);
188 		log("We cannot bisect more!");
189 		return 2;
190 	}
192 	assert(false);
193 }
195 struct BisectStep
196 {
197 	string commit;
198 	bool downwards; // on the way to the common ancestor
199 }
201 BisectStep[] pathBetween(in Repository* repo, string p0, string p1)
202 {
203 	auto commonAncestor = repo.query("merge-base", p0, p1);
204 	return chain(
205 		repo.commitsBetween(commonAncestor, p0).retro.map!(commit => BisectStep(commit, true )),
206 		commonAncestor.only                          .map!(commit => BisectStep(commit, true )),
207 		repo.commitsBetween(commonAncestor, p1)      .map!(commit => BisectStep(commit, false)),
208 	).array;
209 }
211 string[] commitsBetween(in Repository* repo, string p0, string p1)
212 {
213 	return repo.query("log", "--reverse", "--pretty=format:%H", p0 ~ ".." ~ p1).splitLines();
214 }
216 /// Reorders [1, 2, ..., 98, 99]
217 /// into [50, 25, 75, 13, 38, 63, 88, ...]
218 T[] binaryOrder(T)(T[] items)
219 {
220 	auto n = items.length;
221 	assert(n);
222 	auto seen = new bool[n];
223 	auto result = new T[n];
224 	size_t c = 0;
226 	foreach (p; 0..30)
227 		foreach (i; 0..1<<p)
228 		{
229 			auto x = cast(size_t)(n/(2<<p) + ulong(n+1)*i/(1<<p));
230 			if (x >= n || seen[x])
231 				continue;
232 			seen[x] = true;
233 			result[c++] = items[x];
234 			if (c == n)
235 				return result;
236 		}
237 	assert(false);
238 }
240 unittest
241 {
242 	assert(iota(1, 7+1).array.binaryOrder.equal([4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7]));
243 	assert(iota(1, 100).array.binaryOrder.startsWith([50, 25, 75, 13, 38, 63, 88]));
244 }
246 int doBisectStep(string rev)
247 {
248 	log("Testing revision: " ~ rev);
250 	try
251 	{
252 		if (currentDir.exists)
253 		{
254 			version (Windows)
255 			{
256 				try
257 					currentDir.rmdirRecurse();
258 				catch (Exception e)
259 				{
260 					log("Failed to clean up %s: %s".format(currentDir, e.msg));
261 					Thread.sleep(500.msecs);
262 					log("Retrying...");
263 					currentDir.rmdirRecurse();
264 				}
265 			}
266 			else
267 				currentDir.rmdirRecurse();
268 		}
270 		auto state = parseSpec(rev ~ bisectConfig.extraSpec);
272 		scope (exit)
273 			if (d.buildDir.exists)
274 				rename(d.buildDir, currentDir);
276 		d.build(state);
277 	}
278 	catch (Exception e)
279 	{
280 		log("Build failed: " ~ e.toString());
281 		if (bisectConfig.bisectBuild && !bisectConfig.bisectBuildTest)
282 			return 1;
283 		return EXIT_UNTESTABLE;
284 	}
286 	if (bisectConfig.bisectBuild)
287 	{
288 		log("Build successful.");
290 		if (bisectConfig.bisectBuildTest)
291 		{
292 			try
293 				d.test();
294 			catch (Exception e)
295 			{
296 				log("Tests failed: " ~ e.toString());
297 				return 1;
298 			}
299 			log("Tests successful.");
300 		}
302 		return 0;
303 	}
305 	string[string] env = d.getBaseEnvironment();
306 	d.applyEnv(env, bisectConfig.environment);
308 	auto oldPath = environment["PATH"];
309 	scope(exit) environment["PATH"] = oldPath;
311 	// Add the final DMD to the environment PATH
312 	env["PATH"] = buildPath(currentDir, "bin").absolutePath() ~ pathSeparator ~ env["PATH"];
313 	environment["PATH"] = env["PATH"];
315 	// Use host HOME for the test command
316 	env["HOME"] = environment.get("HOME");
318 	// For bisecting bootstrapping issues - allows passing the revision to another Digger instance
319 	env["DIGGER_REVISION"] = rev;
321 	d.logProgress("Running test command...");
322 	auto result = spawnShell(bisectConfig.tester, env, Config.newEnv).wait();
323 	d.logProgress("Test command exited with status %s (%s).".format(result, result==0 ? "GOOD" : result==EXIT_UNTESTABLE ? "UNTESTABLE" : "BAD"));
324 	return result;
325 }
327 /// Returns SHA-1 of the initial search points.
328 string getRev(bool good)()
329 {
330 	static string result;
331 	if (!result)
332 	{
333 		auto rev = good ? bisectConfig.good : bisectConfig.bad;
334 		result = parseRev(rev);
335 		log("Resolved %s revision `%s` to %s.".format(good ? "GOOD" : "BAD", rev, result));
336 	}
337 	return result;
338 }
340 struct CommitRange
341 {
342 	uint startTime; /// first bad commit
343 	uint endTime;   /// first good commit
344 }
345 /// Known unbuildable time ranges
346 const CommitRange[] badCommits =
347 [
348 	{ 1342243766, 1342259226 }, // Messed up DMD make files
349 	{ 1317625155, 1319346272 }, // Missing std.stdio import in std.regex
350 ];
352 /// Find the earliest revision that Digger can build.
353 /// Used during development to extend Digger's range.
354 int doDelve(bool inBisect)
355 {
356 	if (inBisect)
357 	{
358 		log("Invoked by git-bisect - performing bisect step.");
360 		import std.conv;
361 		auto rev = d.getMetaRepo().getRef("BISECT_HEAD");
362 		auto t = d.getMetaRepo().git.query("log", "-n1", "--pretty=format:%ct", rev).to!int();
363 		foreach (r; badCommits)
364 			if (r.startTime <= t && t < r.endTime)
365 			{
366 				log("This revision is known to be unbuildable, skipping.");
367 				return EXIT_UNTESTABLE;
368 			}
370 		d.cacheFailures = false;
371 		//d.config.build = bisectConfig.build; // TODO
372 		auto state = parseSpec(rev ~ bisectConfig.extraSpec);
373 		try
374 		{
375 			d.build(state);
376 			return 1;
377 		}
378 		catch (Exception e)
379 		{
380 			log("Build failed: " ~ e.toString());
381 			return 0;
382 		}
383 	}
384 	else
385 	{
386 		auto root = d.getMetaRepo().git.query("log", "--pretty=format:%H", "--reverse", "master").splitLines()[0];
387 		d.getMetaRepo().git.run(["bisect", "start", "--no-checkout", "master", root]);
388 		d.getMetaRepo().git.run("bisect", "run",
389 			thisExePath,
390 			"--dir", getcwd(),
391 			"--config-file", opts.configFile,
392 			"delve", "--in-bisect",
393 		);
394 		return 0;
395 	}
396 }